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Breaking the Stigma: Men’s Health Awareness Week and Well-Being at Work

Men’s Health Awareness Week, observed annually in June, is a crucial time to focus on the importance of both physical and mental health for men. In the workplace, fostering an environment where health issues are openly discussed and addressed is vital for creating a safe and healthy environment for all employees. This blog explores how ‘everyone’ in the workplace, including managers and HR departments, can contribute to breaking the stigma surrounding mental and physical health issues and promoting a supportive work culture.

Understanding the Stigma

Health issues, especially mental health issues, remain significant concerns, with men often less likely to seek help due to societal expectations and stigma. This reluctance can lead to severe consequences, including decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and even tragic outcomes like suicide. Men’s Health Awareness Week is an opportunity to challenge these norms and encourage a more open dialogue about both physical and mental health.

The Role of Everyone

Creating a supportive and stigma-free workplace environment is a collective effort. Here’s how everyone in the workplace can contribute:

1. Peer Support

o Be there for your colleagues. Offer a listening ear and support if someone is going through a tough time, whether it’s a physical or mental health issue.

o Encourage your peers to seek help and remind them that it’s okay to not be okay.

2. Participate in Awareness Activities

o Engage in activities and events during Men’s Health Awareness Week to promote health awareness.

o Share informative content on social media and within your networks to spread awareness and reduce stigma.

3. Create a Positive Work Culture

o Foster an inclusive and supportive work environment where everyone feels safe to express their feelings and concerns.

o Challenge stereotypes and language that perpetuate the stigma around health issues.

The Role of Managers

Managers play a critical role in shaping the workplace culture and supporting their team members’ health. Here are some strategies for managers to consider:

1. Open Communication

o Encourage open conversations about health. Normalise discussions about stress, anxiety, physical ailments, and other health issues by sharing information and resources during team meetings.

o Provide regular check-ins with team members to discuss their workload and well-being, ensuring they feel supported.

2. Lead by Example

o Share your own experiences with health challenges, if comfortable, to show that it’s okay to discuss these issues.

o Take health days and communicate the importance of self-care to your team.

3. Training and Awareness

o Participate in health and well-being training programmes to better understand how to support employees.

o Promote awareness campaigns and activities during Men’s Health Awareness Week to highlight the importance of both physical and mental health.

The Role of HR Departments

HR departments are essential in supporting the well-being of employees and fostering a healthy work environment. Here’s how HR can help:

1. Develop Health Policies

o Create clear policies that outline the support and resources available to employees.

o Make sure these policies are inclusive and address the unique challenges faced by men.

2. Provide Access to Resources

o Offer resources like Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), counselling services, mental health apps, and fitness programmes.

o Organise workshops and training sessions on stress management, physical fitness, resilience, and mindfulness.

3. Promote Work-Life Balance

o Encourage flexible working arrangements to help employees balance work and personal life, reducing stress and burnout.

o Support the use of paid time off for health days without stigma or judgement.


Men’s Health Awareness Week is a crucial time to reflect on and address the stigma surrounding health issues in the workplace. By fostering open communication, providing access to resources, and creating a supportive environment, everyone in the workplace can collectively contribute to breaking the stigma and promoting well-being. Remember, a healthy workplace is one where every individual feels valued, supported, and empowered to seek help when needed. Let’s use this week as a starting point for ongoing efforts to prioritise health and well-being in our workplaces.